Starring- Adarsh Gaurav, Rajkummar Rao, Mahesh Manjrekar, Kamlesh Gill, Vijay Maurya, and Priyanka Chopra Jonas.

Directed By- Ramin Bahrani.


Balram- There is a story about a cunning Brahmin trying to trick the Buddha?

 The Brahmin asks, "Master do you consider yourself man or god?" To which the Buddha smiles and says, "Neither." "I'm just one who has woken up while the rest of you are still sleeping."

This movie might be a 50-50 for most viewers. This film will grind your mind in a way that you will start feeling uncomfortable at some point. This film gives you a peek at the dining rooms of the poor of the country.

As far as my review is concerned, I felt a sense of pride as an Indian, watching this. None of that stereotype, or overplaying Indian ways, accents, mannerisms. It was very real. Finally, an 'India film' that is simply a very powerful statement on humanity that could play in any cinema, anywhere, without having had to sacrifice all that is authentically Indian in this story.

The differences between that the lower class and upper class have, the struggle and the luxury, both are very well showcased in the movie. It felt like I was watching Parasite movie Indian version. The story is very nicely narrated and beautifully captured the key moments and thoughts of the protagonist. The story takes us on a wild ride of chaotic incidences, amazing work. 

The film is set in the late 2000’s and you still have props that look out of period and plots in an era that does not quite connect. You have the usual “culprits” that are shameful for India and cliché as it may sound, you get to watch and be preached once again. Yes there is humour and the slights come so thick and fast that you get immune to them. The facts are overlooked and screenplay liberties pay their homage to the book. The casting is great and that helps the movie in being more than interesting despite the women having so little to do. 

As per as art of cinema is concerned, actors like Adarsh Gaurav assures us that Indian film Industry is not all about glamour but about great actors too. Adarsh Gourav as the protagonist packs a fairly nuanced and heart felt interpretation of the 'brown man' setting out to take what he finally believes is his place in the world alongside the 'yellow man' warning the 'white man' his time is coming to a close.  Priyanka Chopra is good too. Rajkumar Rao is okayish. So are the supporting cast delivering a very decent performance. 

 As a story point of view it is quite full of thrill and will hook you on the story till the end. Ending was good but I expected more after I was hooked by the storyline. Perhaps this film will rasie a few eyebrows. 
My Rating- 7/10


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