Taxi Driver (1976)

 Starring- Robert De Niro, Jodi Foster, Harvey Keitel, Cybill Shephard, Leonard Harris, and Martin Scorsese.

Directed By- Martin Scorsese. 


Travis Bickle: "Loneliness has followed me my whole life, everywhere. In bars, in cars, sidewalks, stores, everywhere. There's no escape. I'm God's lonely man".

“I got some bad ideas in my head.”

Martin Scorsese's Taxi Driver is a dark thriller that has troupes usually associated with lonliness and emptiness in a man's life. Featuring cinema’s great antihero, Tarvis Bickle (Robert de Niro). Bickle is an ex-marine who served in Vietnam, and now suffers from depression and severe insomnia, and takes a job working the graveyard shift as a cab driver. Robert De Niro’s performance is oft-imitated, but never bettered. De Niro's acting was competent. He delivered his $35,000's worth. 

It is Foster's acting and Foster's acting alone that makes this a film to watch — ONCE — and then occasionally just look at her scenes. The screenplay by Paul Schrader is the one that keeps you involved throughout the journey of Travis, the protagonist. Music is so appealing in background. Martin Scorsese's cameo makes you hard to believe that he's not a professional actor. Jodie Foster playing such a complex character at tender age is beyond your understanding but she aced it like a piece of cake.
I am so much in awe of one of the best movies of American Cinema that I keep using the dialogue over and over again: You're talkin' to me?

Harvey Keitel an underrated actor, Thank God Scorsese saw the talent in Keitel, man he's so good and he was also good in a somewhat not great mean Streets movie (1973) do check that out if you really want to see scorcese's works also in The Irishman (2019).

This movie is one of the examples of how loneliest people can be dangerously depressive and emotionally insecure. It was extraordinary. It depicted New York perfectly. I also like how they shot the movie's ending. The way it transitioned to the credits. You'll see, Just go watch it if you haven't.

As the TOI stated- It’s a startling, disturbing picture of social disarray, with De Niro redefining the angst of a socially dysfunctional citizen who has been transformed into a rage machine.

My Rating- 8.5/10


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